26 August 2013

Teaching new Chilean drivers

We were at the mall, Alto Las Condes and saw some of the future Chilean drivers:

Can I see you license? 

Whoa buddy! !

Opps sign jumo out in front of me.

11 August 2013


Well yesterday was shopping day for vegetables..
We go to the local outdoor market every two weeks or so for our fresh vegetables. It is cheaper to go there then the Jumbo and the quality is just as good.
The weather was beautiful, especially compared to today. It was warm and sunny and to day is overcast and raining.

Here are some pictures

Time for lunch..I am hungry

These are empanadas. Sure was good had one and saved two that we'll freeze for latter.

Well take care and see you later.


02 August 2013

1st time teaching English via Skype

Well I have been working with a local company in Santiago to update leads list for Pharmaceutical Companies to offer teaching English.

I can't believe the number of companies here in Chile. It is hard to track sometimes due to mergers of companies. Sometimes the name is the same others times they may be come a subsidiary. So this is still in process, but I had the opportunity to teach a person who is a psychologist.

It was kind of scary, but was fun as we both learned about each other and other topics. I had some help from the person I work for as this was my first time. So we shall see how this goes.

Have a great weekend